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Friday, August 29, 2014

Bomb Inside the Plane: Hackers threatened a Flight through tweet


Today, the thing happened that is really enough more than a hack, as today a tweet just threatened all the authorities containing FBI and others.
A plane carrying Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley was forced today to divert and land ahead of schedule after a hacker group on twitter claim about to had explosives on board.
That was the hacker group named Lizard Squad, who taken responsibility about the successful denial of service-style attack on the Sony PlayStation Network over the weekend.
The same group already previously claimed about they were attacking Sony for their corporate greed, and that the hacker group was somehow associated with terrorist organisations.
The diversion and landing of the plain was done by the single tweet, which reads:
“We have been receiving reports that @j_smedley’s plane #362 from DFW to SAN has explosives on-board, please look into this.”
Authorities reportedly followed up with an image, since removed, of an e-ticket for Smedley’s flight.
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