During its war with Iraq, Iran used school-aged children to clear the ground for its troops by running over minefields!
Go to Iran if you want to witness severe human rights abuses. Iran is notorious for using “human waves” to clear minefields or draw enemy fire during war. It cost many lives, but the tactic worked sometimes. Volunteers were swept away by patriotism and martyrdom war propaganda presented by the government during the revolution.
Children were encouraged through visits to the schools as an invasive media campaign. Boys aged nine to sixteen proudly and excitedly lined up to become martyrs. They wore white headbands to signify their embracing of death. An estimated 95,000 Iranian child soldiers were killed during the war.
The Iraq-Iran War was intense and brutal for all citizens. Poison gas was released on citizens during stalemates. Neither side had enough artillery to keep progressing in the war. They turned to dirty tactics that took the lives of countless innocent people. Poison gas was even let loose inside schools, needlessly killing children. The war took a major toll on the nation.
Read more at http://www.omgfacts.com/History/During-its-war-with-Iraq-Iran-used-schoo/53255#54r5XvgaHedwYHJ7.99
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