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Friday, August 29, 2014

Kronos: A new Banking Trojan for sale in Underground forums

Researchers from Trusteer have discovered a new Banking Trojan dubbed as "Kronos" which is being sold in the Underground forum.

The malware is being sold for $7,000 and the cyber criminals are offering one week test for the price of $1,000 with full access to the command and control server without any limitation.

Similar to other banking Trojans, this new malware also capable of doing form grabbing and HTML Injection.

Kronos has user-mode rootkit(ring3) capabilities that will help this trojan to defend itself from other pieces of malware, will work in both 32bit and 64 bit Operating systems.

It is also designed to evade antivirus software and bypass Sandbox. The malware use encryption to communicate with the C&C server.

Trusteer said it has not yet analyzed the malware sample in order to validate the seller’s claims, all the information provided are based on the advertisement in the underground forum.

Researchers from Trusteer have discovered a new Banking Trojan dubbed as "Kronos" which is being sold in the Underground forum.

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The malware is being sold for $7,000 and the cyber criminals are offering one week test for the price of $1,000 with full access to the command and control server without any limitation.

Similar to other banking Trojans, this new malware also capable of doing form grabbing and HTML Injection.

Kronos has user-mode rootkit(ring3) capabilities that will help this trojan to defend itself from other pieces of malware, will work in both 32bit and 64 bit Operating systems.

It is also designed to evade antivirus software and bypass Sandbox. The malware use encryption to communicate with the C&C server.

Trusteer said it has not yet analyzed the malware sample in order to validate the seller’s claims, all the information provided are based on the advertisement in the underground forum.
- See more at: http://www.ehackingnews.com/2014/07/kronos-banking-trojan-father-of-zeus.html#sthash.jBeZsc9e.dpuf
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Item Reviewed: Kronos: A new Banking Trojan for sale in Underground forums Description: Rating: 5 Reviewed By: THE UNKNOWN
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